Events & Activities
field-trips, workshops, talks, forums, working bees
We believe people and nature thrive when biological diversity is abundant across land, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. Our hope is that caring for biodiversity and the environment becomes a natural part of how we work, play, and sustain ourselves in Hurunui and beyond.
We were founded in 2019 to inspire and enable Hurunui’s landowners/kaitiaki/custodians and the wider community to understand, value, and enhance our district’s varied and special biodiversity. Our aim is to provide a voice for biodiversity and facilitate opportunities for people to work together to care for nature. We acknowledge that local Ngai Tahu mana whenua greatly value their relationship with this environment, including Mahika Kai (resource gathering) areas, and we welcome opportunities to work in respectful partnership with them.
Hurunui’s distinctive yet interconnected ecological zones feature mountains and foothills, braided rivers and streams, rolling downs and plains, limestone outcrops and bushclad, fossil-rich coasts. See our landmark guide to Hurunui’s ecological zones, HuBZAP.
Biodiversity in Hurunui, as elsewhere in New Zealand, is in trouble for a combination of reasons. Pests and weeds, fire, and land use conversion, (e.g. farmland to wide-scale forestry), are particularly severe threats. Yet it is exciting to see the rise in concerted community efforts to counter biodiversity decline on our district. There are many opportunities to foster and extend this vital and rewarding work. Check out Hurunui’s conservation-focused groups and their wonderful projects.
We hold informative field days, workshops, and presentations, all geared toward specific topics of interest.
Our next event is currently in the planning stages. Join our mailing list to be the first to hear about news and events.
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