Get Involved

When it comes to looking after Hurunui’s natural environment and special biodiversity,  every contribution is welcome! Community projects require all sorts of skills and input to sustain them. As well as volunteers who plant, weed, trap, etc,  projects require leadership and admin skills, field equipment and event catering.  There are many ways you can help, including financial. If you have more ideas, we’d love to hear them!

Hurunui Biodiversity is a registered charity and donations are tax exempt. If you would like to donate, contact us and we’ll provide our account details.

Sign up using our Contact Form to receive event notices and news.

Join or start A local river-care or conservation group. We can advise about initiatives and projects near you.

Volunteer To help with projects. Participate and learn, enjoy the outdoors and meet people.

Share Skills If you have experience in ecology, education and organisational skills, we’d love to hear from you.

Donate Hurunui Biodiversity Trust is a registered charity and welcomes financial or in-kind donations.

Sponsor One-off events or offer ongoing support.

Make a Donation

Your donation helps us continue our activities and strengthen our connections with the public, local groups, agencies and businesses. Working together to realise our shared aspirations will ensure that future generations can enjoy and be proud of the natural environment in Hurunui that we love and that sustains us.  

To donate by direct transfer to our bank account, please email [email protected]

Be a Sponsor

We couldn’t do it without you

If your company or organisation would like to discuss a sponsorship relationship, either ongoing or for one-off events, please contact us. We would love to talk with you!

We thank these organisations for their generous support:
Horton Signs
For our flags
Good Nature Traps
For donating a trap

Funding Partners

We acknowledge the support of funding partners. Thank you!

© 2023 Hurunui Biodiversity Trust