Blythe Valley Community Catchment Group
The Blythe Valley Community Catchment Group was established in August 2023. Its members own or manage between them over 11,000 Ha. The catchment itself comprises 6537.42 Ha and is an area of national significance for its vulnerable remnant coastal vegetation and braided river values.
BVCCG is affiliated with Hurunui District Landcare Group and has been working with Hurunui Biodiversity Trust as a pilot project applying the Hurunui Biodiversity Zone Action Plan (HuBZAP). Time and services have been donated by Lambie Ecology, with whose help we are establishing a Biodiversity Asset register for the catchment.
Our group includes not only farmers but also forestry groups, lifestylers and individuals. Three of our farmer members already hold QE II covenants and we have another covenant under consideration. Thousands of native plants have been planted (4000 in our first year) and we have instigated a trapping programme and the protection and restoration of a wetland. Stream Health Assessment, water quality testing, eDNA sampling and a biodiversity assessment has been carried out.
Being a small catchment, the river flows and water quality are greatly influenced by spring fed water sources from the surrounding hills, many of which pass through wetlands. The Blythe land types are prone to erosion so significant planting has occurred in the valley to revegetate and reduce erosion. The fact that the area is classified as less than 10% indigenous cover is spurring our community to protect and enhance remaining areas of indigenous habitat for native flora and fauna.
At the head of the catchment is a wetland, the Moelean Swamp, which covers approximately 20Ha making it one of the largest lowland wetlands in North Canterbury. Funding is being sought for a community/landowner-led restoration development plan for the swamp. At the Blythe river mouth is Nape Nape Beach, another biodiversity and geological jewel of the North Canterbury district.
We welcome enquiries, and volunteers for working bees.
Contact: Richard Shaw, Catchment Group Coordinator – [email protected]