Boyle Base Trapping Project 

The Boyle Base Trapping Project is run by North Canterbury Forest and Bird in the Lewis Pass region. It was set up around 2004 by local conservationist Lesley Shand, who was instrumental in the formation of the large Poplars Conservation Area run by DOC.

We target mainly rats and mustelids (stoats and weasels) in the Boyle/Lewis river valley near the Boyle village on SH7. There are about 140 traps (mainly DOC 200s) in three circuits, which are cleared and rebaited monthly by a small but dedicated team. There is a basic but cosy hut at the heart of the trapping programme which is well used by trappers, individuals and families who enjoy tramping, fishing etc in the beautiful Lewis Pass environment.

Although our project is fairly small it is part of a bigger group called the Lewis Trapping Alliance, consisting of several groups trapping in the area, who together cover a larger area to improve the survival of the native flora and fauna. These groups include Doubtless Conservation Trust, Boyle Village Conservation group, Hurunui College in the Nina Valley, and NZ Conservation Trust up the Carlyle Valley. Deer Stalkers at Palmer Lodge have a few traps near the Nina Valley. We informally formed the Lewis Trapping Alliance to make it easier to keep in touch with each other.

For information and hiring the Boyle Base hut, contact Helen Hills, NCF&B: [email protected]

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