Doubtless Conservation Trust

We are a voluntary organisation whose vision is the creation of a large inland predator free ‘island’ in the Lewis Pass. We also aid the Department of Conservation maintain its facilities so that visitors continue to enjoy this beautiful part of Aotearoa.

The Lewis Pass straddles the Southern Alps and is a major route between the East and West Coasts. With its beech forest and mountains rising to over 2000m, this area is protected as a national reserve. It has a high recreational value with many tracks and huts allowing trampers, hunters and fishers access to unmodified forest, spectacular tops, many tarns, and pristine rivers. We operate here quite simply because we love this area.

Threatened species such as kiwi, kaka, kea, whio and mistletoe can all be found here. Sadly predators such as rats, stoats, weasels and possums are also present. Beginning in 2008 predator control has been carried out by Hurunui College in the Nina Valley. This has allowed the reintroduction of kiwi and has seen successful breeding of whio in this valley.

Doubtless Conservation works closely with Hurunui College. In 2023 we collaborated to formulate the Nina-Doubtful Great Spotted Kiwi Project. This project aims to:

  • Extend predator control and monitoring in the Nina and Doubtful Valleys, and throughout the area connecting these valleys (Sylvia Tops and Lewis-Boyle River) to increase roroa chick survival rate.
  • Create a sanctuary for vulnerable species such as whio, tuke (rock wren), kea, kaka, karearea, and West Coast green gecko through predator control.
  • Increase citizen involvement in pest control and roroa management. This will be achieved through older citizens making traps (Doubtless Conservation partners with Rymans Lifecare), on-going youth participation in trapping (Hurunui College), and the inclusion of both groups plus iwi in possible roroa translocations in the future.

The project will result in approximately 107,000ha under predator control in the Nina and Doubtful Valleys, and the connecting Sylvia Tops. Combined with nearby areas where other groups are trapping, there will ultimately be continuous predator control over about 140,000ha in the Lewis Pass.

Doubtless Conservation also maintains and improves some tramping facilities within the Lewis Pass. We recently renovated the Doubtless Hut, with the Doubtful hut next. Together with the North Canterbury branch of New Zealand Deerstalkers we maintain tracks in the Doubtful Valley.

Doubtless Conservation is 100% voluntary, with three trustees guiding the activities of over 50 volunteers.
Anyone interested in donating or volunteering: Contact George Moran at [email protected].

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© 2023 Hurunui Biodiversity Trust