Hurunui Weedbusters

Hurunui Weedbusters is a volunteer group dedicated to tackling problem weeds in the Hurunui District. We meet monthly for half-day working bees and welcome new participants and supporters.

Hurunui Weedbusters got underway in March 2024 as a project initiated by the Hurunui Biodiversity Trust and Hurunui District Council’s Water and Land coordinator, Rima Herber. The group is affiliated with the Weedbusters NZ Project.

Our inaugural event was at the Waiau Uwha Riverbed to weed lupins from a site where rare black-fronted terns nest. Seven volunteers cleared the island of weeds in two hours, removing over 1000 tree-lupin plants in that time. Other weeds in the group’s sights include old man’s beard, spur valerian, pig’s ear and banana passionfruit. We also assist with weed-control on restoration sites.

As well as doing this practical work, we share knowledge about our district’s unique, at-risk indigenous biodiversity. We work across a range of ecosystems and landscapes encompassing a variety of land tenures, from private covenants, braided-river banks, to council and DOC reserves. We target species and sites that otherwise would have minimal or no weed control in place, or work to support those doing weed control but who are challenged by the scale of the problem.

Results show what can be achieved by willing hands, when working as a group. Volunteers also enjoy getting to know each other, sharing kai and chat, and learning about special places in Hurunui they may not be familiar with.

Contact: [email protected]
or Rima Herber [email protected]

© 2023 Hurunui Biodiversity Trust