North Canterbury Farm Forestry
North Canterbury Branch of NZ Farm Forestry Association ( supports economic production from trees and farm-scale woodlots, while enhancing farmed and natural environments and landscapes. It favours ‘special purpose timber species’ alongside both native species and radiata pine, chosen to match the site and maximise benefits.
Monthly field days and a newsletter explore diverse aspects of forestry, and promote sharing the depth of members’ practical experience. A gratifying number of field days embrace natural vegetation and habitat enhancement. We are fortunate to be alongside strong forestry and environmental tertiary education and research sectors in the region.
In a collaborative arrangement, members are observing how establishing trees and woodlots in open agricultural landscapes enhances bird diversity and activity.
Nationally, we’re supported by FFA’s Tree Grower magazine, eight special interest groups (one of them for indigenous forestry), an annual conference, and on-farm and in-forest videos and reports on
Contact: Laurie Bennett, Secretary – [email protected]