Te Tihi o Rauhea Hanmer Springs Conservation Trust

Since 2012, the Te Tihi o Rauhea Hanmer Springs Conservation Trust has embarked on multiple conservation projects in and around the popular resort area.

Under the guidance of Chris Hughey, the Trust was created collaboratively with the Ngai Tahu Kaikoura runanga, DOC, ECan and the Hurunui District Council. A primary focus has been on restoring around 10ha of wetlands around Te Tihi o Rauhea (hill of shining tussock)/Conical Hill.

The initial worksite was the Woodland Ponds, which were heavily infested with willow and other weeds. Restoration is now completed around these ponds, but maintenance will be required yearly forever. Work is continuing north into the rest of the wetland, with the removal of trees and other exotic weeds in the west wetland beginning in 2024.

The Trust is also involved in removing exotic trees and other exotic weeds in the approximate 4ha of kanuka around the top of Te Tihi o Rauhea/Conical Hill and replanting with kanuka.

We have a trapping programme with 180 DOC200 traps over 16 trapping lines, which cover most of the township, all the wetlands and areas to the north, We also do wasp control.

The trust holds regular working bees and visitors to Hanmer Springs are welcome to join in.

Contact Christ Hughey at [email protected]

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