Tiromoana Bush

Tiromoana Bush is a 407-hectare regenerating lowland native forest located off Mt Cass Road in the Waipara area of Hurunui District. It is home to 177 native plants and 22 native bird species, including four nationally threatened species and several regionally rare species.

Lowland coastal forest once covered the hills surrounding Mt Cass. Tōtara, matai and kahikatea grew above a diverse canopy of broadleaved trees including ngaio, broadleaf, ribbonwood, lacebark, lemonwood, kowhai, five-finger and small patches of black beech. However, after 150 years of farming only a few remnants of the original forest remained.

In 2004 an ambitious restoration programme began when Kate Valley was identified as the most suitable location for a new landfill for waste from the Canterbury region. Transwaste, which operates the landfill, put forward an ambitious plan to protect and regenerate the bush and open it up for public access.

Since that time, the project has achieved remarkable restoration results, and established a network of tracks taking walkers into the regenerating bush, around ponds and wetlands, all the way to the beach at Pegasus Bay. A magnificent pou looking out over the bay honours the site’s significance to local runanga Ngāi Tūāhuriri.

Every five years the restoration plan is updated. As well as planting around 1 ha with native plants every year, controlling pest animals and weeds is a major activity. Transwaste at Kate Valley also runs tours and educational programmes.

Go to www.transwastecanterbury.co.nz/conservation for more information.

Contact details: 554 Mount Cass Road, Waipara. [email protected]

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