Hurunui Weedbusters Go Weed-spotting Down Waipara River

Saturday 25 January 2025

Hurunui Weedbusters’s first outing for 2025, on Saturday 25, was to scope a scenic but weedy stretch of the Waipara River. Kitted out with tools and lunch, our group of volunteers walked around 7 kms downstream from Laidmore Rd through the spectacular limestone gorge, spotting weeds and destroying some along the way. The trip involved criss-crossing the river, so we were glad it was summer and the water wasn’t cold.

We were fortunate to be joined by botanists Miles and Gillian Giller, who helped identify species of native plants as well as weeds, and a rare trace fossil. Our excitement built as we approached the gorge, clambering around huge limestone boulders then wading over our middles into the narrow channel banked by towering, curved cliffs. We all got very wet, but the experience was breathtaking. Sodden yet exhilarated, we continued for another hour or so to rejoin our cars parked below the sculpture park on Ram Paddock Rd.

One of the trip’s many highlights was the discovery of a large totara tree that would have been over 100 years old, and another mature totara clinging to the cliffs. Miles spotted several native plants that he was surprised were growing this far south and inland from their usual ecological zones.

By the end of the trip, we had logged a sobering number of weedy species, including big trees such as flowering cherry, sycamores, alders and hawthorn, along with expanses of smothering old man’s beard, blackberry, gorse and other familiar nasties. A new weed to many of us was the Grecian thistle, yet another attractive exotic that has escaped the garden fence.

Hurunui Weedbusters is run jointly by Hurunui Biodiversity Trust and Rima Herber, Water and Land Coordinator at Hurunui District Council. We hold monthly working bees around the district. Our next event will be on Saturday 22 February. For more information or to join our volunteers contact: Belinda Meares,
[email protected] or [email protected]


Hurunui Weedbusters: Waipara River and Gorge

9:45am – approx 3:00pm, Saturday 25 January 2025

Our first outing in 2025 will be a riverbed walk of around 7 kms downstream from Laidmore Rd through the awesome Waipara Gorge, hitting easy weed targets as we go and scoping the area for gnarlier patches to deal with later. Weeds we’ll look out for include privet, hawthorn, spur valerian, and convolvulus. A short distance after the gorge we’ll head back up to Ram Paddock Road to rejoin our vehicles. This is a moderately challenging excursion but well worth the effort if you feel able.

Logistics: The plan is to carpool shuttle to the start of the walk. We’ll provide further information when you register.

Bring: Hand tools such as loppers and pruning saws. We can provide secateurs and gloves or you can bring your own. Wear footwear that’s sturdy and a walking stick or poles: there’ll be wading, mostly shallow but for a short distance in the gorge we’ll get wet to about waist level. So bring a change of clothes, and togs if you fancy a proper swim! Also sunscreen, water and lunch. Packing your belongings in water-tight plastic is advisable.

Weather: We’ll only go if the weather is good and if the river isn’t running high. If we do change plans, our alternative is to make a start on weeds along the Kowai River track, Amberley.

Please register with your email and phone details. If we need to switch locations or postpone, we’ll be in touch the day before. Contact: Belinda (0221 600383) and Rima (027 8722329)
[email protected] or [email protected]

Information about Waipara area’s fossil-rich geology:

© 2023 Hurunui Biodiversity Trust