Local Engagement
Get local walking & biking groups involved eg, Hurunui Trails Trust
Schools – community service and also science curriculum (eg, Tim Kelly, science teacher at Hurunui College) www.enviroschools.org.nz
Link in to waste minimisation initiatives - eg. Kate Valley tours https://transwastecanterbury.co.nz/webpage/kate-valley/ Rural Women and Fed Farmers – established networks and a good way to involve private property owners. Hurunui District Landcare Group; Josh Brown admin@hurunuilandcaregroup.co.nz
“Citizen science” initiatives – eg bird counting, wildlife monitoring, water sampling https://www.hotspot.org.nz/ (Taranaki initiative – fantastic!) Business engagement and sponsorship
Create a Hurunui website hub to list and promote projects/campaigns and provide info and resource links. Also a calendar of planting days and other working bees. (See below)
Link up with local nurseries growing natives. eg, Hurunui Native Plant Nursery (Jamie and Linda McFadden), Cheviot. 03 319 8952 Mike Giller, (QEII N Canty rep), near Rangiora – specialises in growing lowland native shrubs Ali Pugh www.amberleyseedlingtrees.co.nz DoC Nursery, Motukarara https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/motukarara-conservation- nursery/ ECAN list of native plant suppliers, file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/NurseriessupplyingnativeplantsFactsheet.PDF
Encourage local people with gardens/properties to grow native seedlings for supply, at cost.
University of Canterbury and Lincoln University, also Ara Polytech - engage collaboration with student research projects. U Can School of Forestry
Ngai Tahu http://ngaitahu.iwi.nz/ http://ngaitahu.iwi.nz/environment/ Also Tuahiwi and Kaikoura runanga
Vision: Hurunui-wide “green corridors”, linking public reserves into an SNA network and QEII covenanted network. Also encourage waterways catchment regen projects involving landowners and public-reserves managers