James Lambie and Suzanne Lambie


James is an ecologist with over two decades of experience, including 17 years working in Local Government first as a biosecurity officer then as a scientist. He moved into environmental consultancy in 2017, when he established Lambie Ecology.

James’s expertise covers resource consenting, biodiversity policy and biosecurity regulation, and the practical aspects of developing farm management plans – from asset assessment to biodiversity management and monitoring. His focus has primarily been on wetlands and terrestrial habitats but he has knowledge of aquatic ecosystems health monitoring and assessment.

James has had a major input into the Hurunui Biodiversity Zones of Action Plan (HuBZAP), and is providing ongoing advice to the Blythe Valley Catchment Group in the Motunau Coastal Zone.

His wife and partner in Lambie Ecology is Suzanne Lambie, who is a molecular biologist with a passion for the native flora and fauna of Aotearoa / New Zealand.

© 2023 Hurunui Biodiversity Trust