Richard Shaw


Richard is a Chemical Engineer who has lived in the Blythe Valley since 2011. Along with his wife, Nicki, they own 115Ha of land, of which approximately half is in native bush and plantation forestry and includes a 2Ha QEII covenant. Over 6000 native plants have been planted in selected areas and a small nursery established which is focussed on eco-sourcing seeds to supplement and return plants species now less common, particularly podocarps.

Richard is enthusiastic about the environment and has been conducting a trapping program on their land for the past three years. He has helped establish the Blythe Valley Community Catchment Group and co-ordinates its trapping program, which covers some 14,000 Ha of adjoining farmland.

Blythe Valley Community Catchment Group

© 2023 Hurunui Biodiversity Trust