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Waiau River Care

Updated: Jul 28, 2021

2099_Waiau Uwha Restoration

Key messages

What’s the vision?

To restore the Waiau Uwha by clearing it of predators and weeds and creating a biodiversity corridor from Twin Bridges to Waiau township to ensure native flora and fauna and local communities flourish.

Where are we now?

  • The Waiau Uwha is one of seven braided alpine rivers that provide 88% of the Canterbury flow

  • The stretch between Twin Bridges and Waiau township is 18km long, and is one of the most dynamic braided river sections in NZ. It’s a huge asset to our local communities

  • As part of the Jobs for Nature initiative, there’s an opportunity for the 20-24 local landowners along the north and south bank of this 18km stretch to access funding and work together to restore the Waiau Uwha

  • A restoration project of this magnitude would have a transformative impact on the health of the river, our local communities and the surrounding environments we live in

  • An experimental restoration project is already underway along the Waiau Uwha (with a second starting imminently), and can act as the blueprint for additional projects along the river

A blueprint for ‘true restoration’

  • One of the 24 landowners (John Faulkner), is currently undertaking a major restoration project at 758 Mouse Point Road, along the south bank of the Waiau Uwha

  • 2.5 hectares of previously wasted river boundary land has been cleared of Gorse, Blackberry and Broom and other obstructions

  • Botany expert Sue McGaw has compiled a list of 43 species of native plant that would naturally grow in the area and are most likely to survive the harsh dryland environment

  • The plants (many of which are unavailable in nurseries) have also been selected to provide a year-round smorgasbord of bird food

  • Since September 2020, over 3,000 natives have been planted together in ‘biodiversity nodes’ - groupings of plants that are often found together in nature

  • The plants include Totara, Mahoe, Five Fingers, Fuchsia, Golden Cottonwood, Maori Jasmine and more (the full list of 43 plants is available to share)

Contact: John Faulkner

Mobile 021 189 3370

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