Rohe Koreporepo: The Swamp The Sacred Place

Screening and discussion on June 16th, Amberley School Hall

This documentary, by acclaimed Christchurch filmmaker Kathleen Gallagher, celebrates the efforts of 60 community kaitiaki/guardians around the country to restore and enhance those that remain today, and explains why they are vital for a healthy and balanced future on Papatuanuku/Earth.

In the last 150 years, 90% of Aotearoa’s swamps and wetlands have been destroyed in the name of development. Wetlands support rich ecosystems, provide natural flood control and are significant carbon sinks. They have always been regarded as sacred places and mahinga kai food gathering places by Māori tangata whenua.

After the screening public discussion was led by Greg Byrnes of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Trust, Greg Bennett of Coastal Restoration Trust NZ, John Preece, local wetlands ecologist, Kate Steel, Waimakariri District Council Biodiversity Officer, and Kathleen Gallagher, filmmaker.

© 2023 Hurunui Biodiversity Trust