The Hurunui Biodiversity Trust's educational activities aim to help landowners/custodians access information and resources to carry out weed, pest and predator control, riparian planting and wetland restoration, placing land under covenant, sourcing plants locally, identifying mahinga kai, and project monitoring. The focus is on optimising regeneration potential by tapping into local knowledge and best-practice examples of environmentally appropriate land use. We are all ways open to feedback and/or suggestions from the public and would encourage you to come get involved!
Become A Subscribed Member Of The Trust!
By becoming a member of the trust you're ensuring that we as an organization can continue to run educational seminars/field days around the Hurunui, with both the intend of looking after our land and animals so that generations to come can flourish and be proud of the environment that we reside in. With your support the trust hopes to continue growing its connections and relationships with the public, local groups and companies to work towards common goals related to biodiversity. The potential of beginning our very own projects may become a possibility with additional funding which is a very exciting prospect!
Support the Trust
Your subscription/donation would be much appreciated.
Individual: $20 Family: $50 Business: $200 Corporate: $1000+
Account # 38845578438
Please include your name in the reference
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